Why is it Worth Filtering Plastics? Ecological and Financial Benefits

25 Years Anniversary

We are proud to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Bagsik Sp. z o.o. Since its founding in 1999, the company has grown significantly within the plastics industry, offering advanced filtration solutions and equipment. We extend our deepest gratitude to all our clients, partners, and employees for their contributions to our success. We are thrilled to […]
Company Bagsik on Fakuma 2024

We warmly invite you to visit our booth A6-6304 at this year’s Fakuma Trade Fair, which will take place from October 15th to 19th, 2024, in Friedrichshafen.
3D Scanning

Did you know…? 3D scanning is an advanced technology that allows for the digital reproduction of objects in three dimensions with incredible precision. In the 3D scanning process, lasers, structured light, or photogrammetry are used to collect data on the shape, texture, and color of an object. This enables the creation of accurate digital models, […]
Zusammenarbeit mit Extruder Experts

Co-financing – European Funds – Regional Program

Brabender Technologie

EPPA – Recycling von PVC-Fenstern in einem geschlossenen Kreislauf

EPPA promotes the recycling of consumer windows in Europe to increase sustainability and environmental friendliness. Help us make the circular economy a reality by recycling old PVC windows, reducing the amount of waste going to landfills while lowering greenhouse gas emissions. More information in a short video presenting the ideas of EPPA: https://www.eppa-profiles.eu/videos At the […]
News from Tencaro GmbH and IPS

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Rewindo Premium Partner

Bagsik Sp. z o. o. Sp. k. became a premium partner of Rewindo Fenster-Recycling-Service.This group was founded in 2016. in order to create a network of companies dealing with the recycling of old PVC windows. In the following years, the sectors of film production and machine production were also added to the partner networks. In […]